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Cub Scout Pack 789
(Oceanside, California)
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Cub Scouting is FUN

Scouting is fun with a purpose! And that purpose is to raise boys, who respect themselves, respect others and who have strong character. There is no better youth leadership nor community service training than Scouting. Cub Scout Pack 789 is in Camp Pendleton, California and we are dedicated to providing a fun Cub Scouting experience for all boys from 1st through 5th grade.

Cub Scout Pack 789 runs a year-round program uniquely designed to meet the needs of young boys and their parents. Our program offers fun and challenging activities that promote character development and physical fitness. Service projects, ceremonies, games, and other activities guide boys through the core values and give them a sense of personal achievement. Through positive peer group interaction and parental guidance, boys also learn honesty, bravery, and respect. Family involvement is an essential part of Pack 789's Cub Scouting program, and parents are required to play an active role in our Pack as Leaders, Chairs and Event Helpers. Through interaction between parents, leaders, and friends, boys learn citizenship, compassion, and courage. This family-and community-centered approach to learning means that Cub Scouting is truly time well spent for your sons!

Cub Scout Ranks

Bobcat Starting Cub Scouts: (must be at least in the first grade or 7 years old)

Each boy who joins the Cub Scouts will first earn the Bobcat badge. The boy must do his best to learn seven items, including the Cub Scout motto and promise, handshake, salute, and the Law of the Pack to name a few. The Parents must read and discuss with the boy a pamphlet on preventing child abuse. The pamphlet can be found in the front of each Cub Scout handbook. When the boy has completed each step to the best of his ability, the parent can sign it. The scout will receive his badge at the next Awards Ceremony during one of our Pack Meetings. 

Tiger Cub: (1st Grade or 7 years old)
Den Leader: Steve Dixon    Asst. Den Leader: 

Boys will work toward the Tiger Cub badge after first earning the Bobcat badge. The Tiger Cub badge is for boys who have completed all 15 parts of the five achievements, that is, five family activities, five Den activities, and five "Go See It" outings. An Adult Partner, usually a parent, will attend meetings and work with the Tiger Cub to complete the corresponding handbook. Once completed, the Adult Partner will sign the handbook and receive the Tiger Cub badge. The Adult Partner will then present the badge to the Tiger Cub. The scout will receive his badge at the next Awards Ceremony during one of our Pack Meetings.

Wolf Cub: (2nd Grade or 8 years old)
Den Leader: Dustin Jewell Asst. Den Leader: Florcita Jewell

Boys will work toward the Wolf badge after earning the Bobcat badge (if it hasn't been earned already). Twelve achievements must be completed in subject areas such as family fun, starting a collection, identifying basic hand tools, and healthy eating habits. All requirements are age appropriate. After the Wolf badge is earned, both gold and silver arrow points can be earned in areas such as knots, fishing, books, or 19 other subjects. When the Scout has done his best to complete each requirement, a parent or Scout Leader can sign it off. The scout will receive his badge at the next Awards Ceremony during one of our Pack Meetings.

Bear Cub: (3rd Grade or 9 years old)
Den Leader: Gordon Butler Asst. Den Leader: Jacki Butler

Boys will work toward the Bear badge after earning the Bobcat badge (if it hasn't been earned already). Twelve of 24 different achievements must be completed to the best of the Scout's ability in subjects similar to the Wolf badge but slightly more challenging and varied. Arrow points can be earned after the Bear badge just like the Wolf badge. Again, a parent or Scout Leader can sign requirements off as they are completed. The scout will receive his badge at the next Awards Ceremony during one of our Pack Meetings.

Webelos I Scout: (4th Grade or 10 years old)
Den Leader: Zachary Knight Asst. Den Leader: 

Boys will work toward the Webelos badge after earning the Bobcat badge (if it hasn't been done already), Webelos Scouts work on activity pins. Pins are earned for Scientist, Forester, Engineer, Artist, Scholar and First Aid to name just a few. The Webelos badge is earned by completing the requirements for three pins including Fitness, learning about becoming a Boy Scout, and doing your duty to God. Webelos are a transition period, preparing the boys to become more independent workers and thinkers, and eventually a Boy Scout. The scout will receive his badge at the next Awards Ceremony during one of our Pack Meetings.

Webelos II Scout/Arrow of Light: (5th Grade or 11 years old)
Den Leader: Phil Featherston Asst. Den Leader:

The Arrow of Light Award is Cub Scouting's highest rank. It is earned after fulfilling the requirements for the Webelos badge, usually during the second-year Webelos program. Much of the experience gives Webelos Scouts the chance to practice skills that prepare them to become Boy Scouts. The Arrow of Light Award may be completed only while the following four conditions are met: (1) The Webelos Scout has been registered and active for at least six months since completing the fourth grade or since turning 10 years old; (2) he is still registered in a pack or as a Lone Cub Scout; (3) he has not yet joined a troop; and (4) he has either not yet graduated from the fith grade or has not yet turned 11, whichever is the latter. Once completed, the award will be presented during an impressive pack ceremony involving Scouts from a local Scout troop.

BSA's The Advancement Trail Link 

BSA's Mechanics of Advancement: In Cub Scouting Link 

Cub Scout Ideals

Cub Scout Promise:

I, (say your name),
promise to do my best-
To do my duty to God
and my country-
To help other people, and
To obey the law of the Pack.

Law of the Pack:

The Cub Scout follows Akela.
The Cub Scout helps the pack go.
The pack helps the Cub Scout grow.
The Cub Scout gives goodwill.

Cub Scout Motto:


The Cub Scout Sign:

The Cub Scout sign is made with the right arm held high and straight up above the shoulder, with the index and middle fingers forming a V. The other fingers are held with the thumb.

The two extended fingers stand for the parts of the Cub Scout Promise, "to help other people" and "to obey the law of the Pack". They also stand for the two alert ears of a wolf. This is the sign of Cub Scouts all over the world.

The Cub Scout sign should be given when repeating the Cub Scout Promise or Law of the Pack. It is also used in ceremonies to let everybody including parents, siblings and guests to quite down and pay attention.

The Cub Scout Handshake:

The handshake is done by putting the index and middle fingers of the right hand against the other person's wrist when shaking hands.

Cub Scouts and Cub Scout leaders use the handshake everywhere in the United States. The handshake signifies that those who use it help others and obey the Law of the Pack. 

The Cub Scout Salute:

The salute is made by joining the index and middle fingers of the right hand (holding the other fingers with the thumb) and touching the extended fingers to the cap visor or forehead. The hand is held the same as for the Cub Scout sign, except the two fingers are together. 

The Cub Scout salute is used to salute the flag when in uniform and to show respect to Den and Pack Leaders. It can be used when greeting other Cub Scouts.

Cub Scouting's 12 Core Values

1. Citizenship: Contributing service and showing responsibility to local, state, and national communities.   7. Honesty: Telling the truth and being worthy of trust.
2. Compassion: Being kind and considerate, and showing concern for the well-being of others.   8. Perseverance: Sticking with something and not giving up, even if it is difficult.
3. Cooperation: Being helpful and working together with others toward a common goal.   9. Positive Attitude: Being cheerful and setting our minds to look for and find the best in all situations.
4. Courage: Being brave and doing what is right regardless of our fears, the difficulties, or the consequences.   10. Resourcefulness: Using human and other resources to their fullest.
5. Faith: Having inner strength and confidence based on our trust in God.   11. Respect: Showing regard for the worth of something or someone.
6. Health and Fitness: Being personally commited to keeping our minds and bodies clean and fit.   12. Responsibility: Fulfilling our duty to God, country, other people, and ourselves.